Lukfook Announces Annual Results For the Year Ended 31 March 2012 Revenue and Net Profit Achieved Record-High for Approximately HK$11.9 Billion and HK$1.3 Billion Respectively Proposed Final Dividend of 43 HK Cents per Share


Financial Highlights



For the year ended 31 March



 Changes (%)





Gross Profit




Profit Attributable to Shareholders




Basic Earnings per Share




Final Dividend per Share (HK cents)




(28 June 2012) ── Luk Fook Holdings (International) Limited (“Lukfook” / “the Group”) (Stock Code: 00590.HK) today announces its annual results for the year ended 31 March 2012 (the “Review Period”). During the Review Period, the Group recorded a total revenue of HK$11,907,440,000, up 47.2% from HK$8,091,121,000 in the previous year. Profit Attributable to Shareholders grew by 54% to HK$1,333,941,000 from HK$866,216,000 over last year. Basic earnings per share were HK$2.43 (2011: HK$1.71).

The Board has proposed a final dividend of 43 HK cents per share (2011:: 68 HK cents per share).

Commenting on the Group’s annual results, Mr. Wong Wai Sheung, Chief Executive of the Group, said, “The overall performance was very impressive in the financial year 2011/12. Due to Japan 2011 Earthquake, the number of visitors to Hong Kong increased sharply which led to an ultra-growth in the sales of the Group for the first half year. In addition, the rising demand for luxury products from Mainland visitors holding appreciating Renminbi and aspiration of purchasing high quality gold and jewellery items in Hong Kong accounted for the huge surge in the Group’s performance.”

: 700): 32 in Hong Kong (2011: 33), 819 in the PRC (2011: 657), 6 in Macau (2011: 5), 1 in Singapore (2011: 1), 2 in the United States (2011: 2) and 2 in Canada (2011: 2). As at 27 June 2012, the total number of the Group’s retail outlets has broken through 900, which included 35 in Hong Kong, 858 in the PRC, 8 in Macau, 1 in Singapore, 2 in the United States and 2 in Canada.

Retail business, which accounted for 81.2% of total revenue, continued to be the mainstream of the Group’s revenue, having valued at HK$9,667,763,000 representing an upsurge of 50.1% from last year’s figure. At the same time, revenue from wholesale business grew to HK$1,813,001,000 and brought in 15.2% of the Group’s total revenue, representing a 31.8%  gem-stone products, excluding trade-in transactions, contributed approximately 59.5% and 40.5% of the Group’s total sales.

Mainland visitors continued to be the major source of customers, contributing over 50%’s retail sales. According to the figures released by the Hong Kong Tourism Board, the Mainland arrivals hit a historical high of approximately 28.1 million in 2011, demonstrating a sharp annual increase of 23.9%. 65.3% of visitors, approximately 18.3 million, came to Hong Kong under the Individual Visit Scheme (IVS), up by 28.8% over 2010.

As at 31 March 2012, the Group operated 6 retail outlets in Macau. In May 2011, the Group introduced its sixth store at G13 of the East Promenade in Galaxy Macau Resort. For the year under review, the revenue generated from Macau market amounted to HK$1,337,705,000 with a spectacular growth rate of 75.8%. In April 2012, the Group opened 2 new retail outlets in Macau. Similar to Hong Kong, Macau tourism had been blooming under the Individual Visit Scheme. In 2011, Mainland arrivals surged by 22.2%; admin; comments off; generic pils,woman's health. Group remained optimistic towards Macau operations.

Mr. Wong Wai Sheung, Chief Executive of the Group continued, “Year 2012 is a challenging year as the global economic conditions are now becoming more and more complex and volatile due to the debt deterioration crisis in Euro zone. This Year is also an Election Year of major economic giants, which may add uncertainty to the global economic outlook. However, the Group believes that China economy will still has a stable and healthy growth with stimulation on consumption and construction. Facing the huge potential of the PRC market, the Group’s approach on retail outlet expansion is aggressive yet prudent. Also, the Group will continue to closely monitor the changes in operating environment, especially high local retail rental. The Group will take stringent cost control measures and maintain the rental at a reasonable level. The Group will also strategically expand its local footprints subject to economic environment and opportunities. The Group will expand its retail outlets in cities with lower brand penetration and explore various market opportunities so as to increase its market share. Meanwhile, the Group will also diversify its jewellery product range with elegant designs and the highest quality to retain current customers and attract new customers.”

